Days like today are stupid
The kind of days you wake up with migraine and fever-like symptoms and your body only wants to lie in bed and your tears just flow. But you can´t. Because, in a few hours, we are throwing a birthday party for our youngest. ´lotta baking and cleaning to do! Usually I'm very fond of both, but not today. Today I do not want to. Today, the body does not want to. And definitely not the head. Painkillers for breakfast again. But that´s what it is like being a mother having fibromyalgia. You are hurt and sick, but still you have to keep going. It's simply impossible to put that job away. I would not have liked to leave it to others either. But that does not make it easier. Put the mask on. Form the mouth into a smile. The energy that does not exist must be extracted from the depths within me. I think I would have become an awesome athlete. The way they continue on, long after their body and energy are empty, their mental strength keeps them going. They force the ...